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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (JCIE)
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Information Engineering
Information Engineering
JCIE-Vol.47-No.1 (2023)
Optimal analysis of a multi-server queue with preprocessing time and replenishment inventory
JCIE-Vol.46-No.6 (2023)
Research on PIV algorithm for reconstruction of velocity field of fluid with high Reynolds number
Design an RPA model for the fulfillment process in an SAP ERP system
JCIE-Vol.46-No.5 (2023)
A study on the construction of die-casting production prediction model by machine learning with Taguchi methods
JCIE-Vol.45-No.6 (2022)
GWMA: the parallel implementation of woodpecker mating algorithm on the GPU
A video painterly stylization using semantic segmentation
Applying interactive technology to design an innovative interactive sound installation for sustainment of the Din-Tao culture