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Accessible Design (Access Keys) for This Site

This website is designed according to the "Web Accessibility Development Guidelines" and follows accessibility standards to provide features such as screen reader support (:::), site navigation, and keyboard shortcuts (Access Keys).

The main content of the website is divided into four major sections:

Top navigation link area
Right-hand functionality area on the homepage
Left-hand navigation link area
Main content area
The following explains the use of keyboard shortcuts (Access Keys) on this website:

Alt+U: Top-level submenu, moves to the top section of the webpage.
Alt+R: Right-hand functionality area on the homepage, moves to the right-hand section of the homepage with activities and quick services.
Alt+L: Quick service area, moves to the left-hand side of the webpage to the quick service section.
Alt+C: Main content area, moves to the main content section of the webpage.
Alt+B: Bottom-related links area, including contact information, transportation details, etc.
If you are using the Firefox browser, the usage method for the shortcuts is Shift+Alt+(Access Key letter), for example, Shift+Alt+C will jump to the central content area of the webpage, and so on.

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